Tag Archives: freedom

Happy NEW Year!

3 Jan

I have always been an avid resolutionist.  Eager to challenge myself to grow, develop, adopt new practices and/or learn new things, I would enumerate all of my resolutions like a year long “To Do” list.  This year, unlike those past, I chose to abstain.  I have not forsaken my commitment to growth and development, but rather the flurry of promises that quickly fade to nice ideas and/or fixes.

So in lieu of an armory of resolutions, I am allowing the year’s purpose to unfold for me and evolve naturally.  Around 2AM on the first of January we huddled around the kitchen counter in Lacey, WA to pull Angel Cards and see what the Angel’s said the new year would hold for us.  I reach into a bowl filled with fortune cookie sized slips of paper with words like “clarity”, “kindness”, and “grace” written on them to chose my years intention.  Letting my fingers wander over the cards, digging and fondling I located the one and pulled “Freedom”, and in the process flipped over “Vision”.  Kim turns to me and says, “Maybe they are trying to tell you something.  I think you should pick up “Vision” as well.”

So here I am two sleeps, three states, many tears and 0 resolutions later.  Guided by Vision and Freedom, I am lead to gratitude and a practice that honors  life, the magic that surrounds us and my soul.

Counting my blessings –

  1. I am grateful for you (Greg), because you awakened my heart, allow me to love you and return that love without condition.  I have learned so much about myself and what is important to me through our journey.  I have never felt my heart or love this exactly, and like any muscle the tearing of its fiber has allowed it to grow and has brought me back to life, vulnerable, open and ever so alive.
  2. I am grateful for you, because you are a man, a strong, protective, provider.  I feel safe knowing that you are with me.
  3. I am grateful for open communication, because it lets us create.  Life does not have to fit neatly into pre-existing boxes or categories.  We are our own authors.
  4. I am grateful for mid-night talks, because under the cover of darkness I found my voice.
  5. I am grateful for love, because it is the experience of living.

I am present to every moment being access to experiencing ourselves and our lives fully, and the magic and love that abound.

Here is to a year of no rules, freedom, vision and LOVE 😉

– Katie